Friday, December 21, 2007
Read "Kalki" every week AND inculcate a sense of Discipline in our day to day life.
Paramacharya in one of his rare speeches advises all to practise a sense of discipline in all walks of life.
It is the absence of this discipline that has led miserably to the present day chaos in almost all walks of life.
KALKI does its DIVINE duty to enlighten all Tamil men and women by periodically posting ARUL VAKKU FROM PARAMACHARYA'S WORDS OF WISDOM.
Every One says "Practise Yoga" . What is Yoga ? Yoga is nothing other than silencing the goalless journey of one's mind. By stilling it and focussing it towards the Almighty and doing one's own duties without expecting unseemly gains is YOGA.
The New Year is to dawn soon. Let us all take to heart what our Paramacharya says.