Peace results out of silence.
And this silence is not bahri or outward silence, as we try to shut our mouths and refrain from talking. Outward Silence is meaningless and leads us nowhere as long as there is an inner dialogue taking place (with or without our conscious participation in it).
We must strive and strive hard too to achieve inner silence.
This is possible only when we liberate ourselves from the mundane world.
Seek Him positing him in your heart and concentrate on this Upasana.
Such an Upasaka achieves liberation.
Chandhokya Upanishad lays before us the way.
It is for us to seek Him.
Swamini Satyavratananda enlightens on "Liberation" for everyone of us.
Please click on the link (See Links )to know the way and be Blessed by
Swamini Satyavratananda.